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I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer when I was pregnant - and almost died before I got a chance to hold my newborn baby girl. The nightmare began when doctors discovered a tumour the size of a tennis ball blocking little Aaron's arrival. They immediately delivered Aaron by C-Sect - but I haemorraged. My bed sheets were soaked in blood and doctors couldn't get the bleeding to stop. As my life slipped away, docs warned my partner, to expect the worst as he stood helpless with our baby in his arms. He was left praying for a miracle - and fortunately for us, those prayers were answered. "My instincts told me all was not well. There is Cancer in my Dad's side of the family and thats what kept nagging away in my mind" But what choices did I have? Treatment at that time would have damaged my baby. I didn't want to face that, so I just retreated into myself and kept my fears secret. After months of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a last chance 24 hour bombardment of radiation directly onto the tumour, I was eventually in remission. I had sailed through a trouble free pregnancy with my first daughter, Jordan whom was diagnosed with Asberger's Syndrome when she was 6. But I have to admit, the minute I fell pregnant with Aaron, I felt very ill. I was sick all the time, I was in pain, I couldn't eat, and nothing could convince me that this was a normal pregnancy. When I was expecting Jordan, my partner and I backpacked to India just in time before settling down with children. I felt so well throughout the pregnancy, mind you I was always relatively fit and healthy having just spent almost 7 years as a Military Policewoman in Her Majesty's Services. This time I thought, well no 2 pregnancies are the same. I remember my partner and I agreeing that there would be no more babies for us. I was dragging myself through the pregnancy. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Every now and then I'd start bleeding and end up in hospital. But I think because of the position of the tumour, it simply didn't show up. When I was 8 months pregnant, I was back at hospital for the umpteenth time after bleeding. I've got a rare blood group 'O' negative, so whenever I would take a bleed I'd have injections to stop the baby's blood being poisoned. This time the doctor said she was concerned because I'd been in so often, that she'd like to examine me further. Nothing was showing on scans so she examined internally. The pain was unbearable. Then she told me there was a growth the size of a man's fist in my cervix. I had a biopsy and had to stay in hospital for the results. That night was awful. I lay awake wondering what was going to happen to us. Next day they told me. I had Cancer, and because of the tumour, I wouldn't be able to deliver my baby normally, I was in shock. I was rushed into theatre for an emergency c-sect. The baby was perfect I was so relieved. But when I was in the recovery ward, my partner noticed that my bed was suddenly saturated in blood. The room was suddenly filled with nurses, but by then I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I vaguely remember nurses wrapping me up in silver foil. They were wrapping themselves around me too, trying to raise my body temp. I was rushed back into theatre, and, after about 2 - 3 hours, the doctor came out and told my partner he was sorry but he couldn't stop the bleeding. He asked my partner to sign a form permitting them to give me a hysterectomy. My partner said, "My partner is dying in there - just do what you have to do to save her" I spent a while in hospital while my partner looked after the girls. When I eventually did go home I was really worried about all the time I been apart from my girls, I hadn't had a proper chance to bond with my newborn. A bed was made up for me in the livingroom and I began my chemotherapy and radiation treatment the following week, just after New Year. Sadly despite an intensive course of 20 treatments the tumour was still there. I couldn't believe it, after all that the cancer was still there. During this time my partner was giving me intensive Healing through Crystals, (Kes is a fully qualified Holistic Crystal healer) and this helped immensly, his Sister Al would visit me (she is a qualified Reflexologist) and heal my body through healing to my feet and a friend from Cancer Care came along weekly and gave me some hands on healing, all in which played a big part in my recovery, that I am positive of. I was then offered a 24 hour intensive course where they would bombard me with radiation non stop using long metal rods directly onto the tumour. It was ghastly. I couldn't move for 24 hours but in the end, the tumour had shrunk. To be honest I think it was the nurses and doctors who kept me sane. When the tumour shrunk, I was still ill, but very very happy. But along with the tumour, other organs had also shrunk and I needed more surgeries to repair the damage. I had ignored the little voice in my head which told me I had Cancer. Like many people, I didn't want to hear that because I knew that any treatment would seriously damage or kill my unborn baby. Today though, I have 2 beautiful girls and a future. My daughter Aaron will celebrate her 18th birthday at Christmas which will be an amazing experience for us all. I've since had to cope with more operations, skin grafts, scars, reconstructive surgery, and am continuing ongoing surgeries but with my family by my side.........well I made it and later married my partner Kes Fernando on the 10th anniversary of the day we met. In a romantic ceremony at the Blacksmiths cottage in Gretna Green, Scotland accompanied by our two girls and friends, we tied the knot - & were overcome with emotion. We were not the only ones. It was the happiest day of my life, after all we have been through. Everyone was crying at the ceremony, it was a very emotional service. It was a beautiful day and very romantic. We all went onto enjoy a wedding celebration in Annan in cottages overlooking the Solway Firth, with the memories of darker days well behind us. We have come through a lot since we met in Blairgowrie in jun 95, when I had just left the military police to start work as a private investigator and met my portugese beau Kes.We all enjoyed the day especially our girls Jordan and Aaron and will be a day we will never forget. I've since continued to raise awareness, fundraise, make presentations at various clubs/organisations and more recently started a cervical cancer support group here in Ayrshire. My daughters often join me at various events, they are as dedicated and passionate about cervical cancer as I am. They have a fantastic time at various events knowing how much we could be helping to save someone's life. Am currently writing my first book, continue to work alongside various cancer charities and am continually raising funds & awareness throughout the year. I was Scotland's first Cancer Research UK Ambassador, something am very proud of and am a qualified Cervical Cancer Support Group Leader. I had the pleasure of being invited by my local MP Katy Clark to the 'International Women's Day' & meeting The Prime Minister at No.10 to discuss new policies on Cervical Screening and raising cervical awareness. I've won various awards for my voluntary work with both cancer and autism. I try as often as possible to gain media attention for Cervical Cancer. I've since continued to raise awareness, fundraise, make presentations at various clubs/organisations, organise events and run cervical cancer support groups. Along with local MP's and other dignatries, my daughters often join me at various events, they are as dedicated and as passionate about cervical cancer as I am. They have a fantastic time at various events knowing how much we could be helping to make a difference in someone's life. I took part in the official launch of the HPV Immunisation, was recognised in Parliament by Patricia Gibson MP for my voluntary charity work throughout the years and more recently along with my beautiful daughter was a baton bearer in the Queen's

baton relay. I still have a few medical issues where surgery is required however am still here and with my family by my side, what more could I ask for? xxxx

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